Monday, November 26, 2007

It Doesn't Take A Genius

Well, the Blog Readability Test website says it takes a genius to read this site. I guess that the general level of education in the world has dropped considerably, then.

It doesn't take a genius to discover and remove the stealth advertisement that they added, either. These people think I'm little red riding hood, or what?

The idea of this award, as I see it, is to declare everybody a genius, get them to post this graphic on their website and collect click through advertising revenue from their websites. The graphic also has a link back to the source so that other "geniuses" can be recruited, too. Talk about your viral advertising scheme.

You will notice that if you click on the graphic now, you will be brought back to this blog. If you want to be a "genius" you'll have to go find the site yourself.


Unknown said...

Superb, I was a bit thick and just copied the url as my html editing skills weren't up to getting rid of the ad link. Naughty people. Great blog btw!!

LB said...

Regarding the text that accompanies your “About Me” avatar; from the VPTVrecaps profile of Amanda in Survivor China: "2005's Miss Montana and 2006's Miss Earth (Yeah, sometimes. Don't you?)."

Thanks for stopping by VPTV. I’ve inserted links to both of your blogs from and If you could insert this link Viewer Participation TeleVision in your Your Blogs section, it would be much appreciated.