Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blogs, blogs, blogs, blogs

I started this blog, just a couple of days ago with a complaint about the absurdity of promoting one's own blog by madly "networking" with other bloggers, clicking on their profiles in social networking websites, marking them as "my friends" and sometimes actually reading their blogs. The fact is, though, that I have found some very interesting blogs to read by doing this. I'd like to share a few of them with you. Maybe getting a link on my ultra popular blog will give these folks a little boost. ;o)

Here's one: Jon Swift
Jon has a little suggestion for all Americans for tomorrows holiday. "Let's celebrate Thankstaking."

And another: Windows to Russia!
Kyle Keaton is an American living in Moscow. He has a lot to say about his new home and takes great pictures.

And then there is Doodlage: Trashcan Art Salvage in which doodling of all kinds is celebrated.

Finally, a bit of blogging humor: Blaugh , blogging's answer to Dilbert.

Thank you for your time, I hope you hit your back button and returned to this page many times in between reading these other blogs. Gotta get the numbers up, you know. Well, I have a hundred or so profiles to click on before I can sleep and five reviews to write, so that my blog will stay on the front page. Blogging is such a relaxing hobby.

Happy Thankstaking, everyone.


Kyle and Svet Keeton said...

Thanks I am glad you find our Blog worth reading.

I was going to say that Ultra popular was a bit conservative. Your Blog is more like a: Phenomenally Ultra Pop Culture Blog!

One day when you are the number one Blog remember us little guys!!

Thanks again


Jon Swift said...

Welcome to the glamorous and exciting world of blogging and thanks for the mention.

By the way, you have a slight technical glitch: most of the links you posted don't work because they all have in front of them.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving.